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Use of cookies

This site uses cookies in order to make their services as efficient as possible and easy to use. Therefore, when you visit the site, you enter a minimal amount of information into the user’s device. “Cookies” are small text files, which are stored in the user’s web browser.

There are several types of cookies, but basically the main purpose of a cookie is to make the site operate more effectively and enables certain features.

Cookies are used to improve the overall navigation for the user. In particular:
- They allow you to efficiently navigate from page to page on the website.
- They store your user name and preferences.
- They allow the user to avoid entering the same information (such as user name and password) several times during a visit.
- They measure the use of services by the user, to optimize the browsing experience and services themselves.
- They present targeted advertising information based on the interests and behaviour expressed by the user while browsing.
- There are several types of cookies. Below you can find the different types of cookies that may be used within this site and a description of their usage.

First-party cookies or technical cookies

Cookies of this type are necessary in order for some areas of the site to function properly. Cookies in this category include both persistent cookies and session cookies. Without these cookies, the site or portions of it may not work properly. Therefore, they are always used, regardless of user preferences. Cookies in this category are always sent from our domain.

Third Party Cookies

When browsing our website, some cookies are sent that do not belong to our domains (called ” Third Party cookies”), for example, when users visit a page that contains content from a third-party website. Some third party cookies sent enable us to understand the habits and preferences expressed by users during navigation, in order to enable them to adapt the advertisements displayed on our websites. Some types of cookies, managed by Third Parties, also enable us to obtain aggregate statistical information about your visits and browsing habits in order to improve the usability and performance of our sites. For greater clarity, the following is a list of the types of third party cookies that may be sent while browsing on our sites and descriptions and pages / sites from which you can see the information related to the use of such cookies and as well as denial information.

Analytical cookies

Cookies of this type are used to collect information on the use of the site. The owner uses this information for statistical analysis, to improve the site and ease of use, as well as to monitor their operations. This type of cookie collects anonymous information about the user’s activity on the site and the way in which they arrived to the site and the pages they visited. Cookies in this category are sent from the site or from third-party domains.

Cookies for the integration of third-party functionality

Cookies of this type are used to integrate third-party functionality on the site (for example, comment forms or social networks icons that allow visitors to share the content of the site). Cookies in this category can be sent from the domains of the partner sites or sites from which offers are featured.

The holder is not obliged to request your consent for technical cookies, as these are necessary for the service provider.

Other kinds of cookie consent can be expressed by the user, in accordance with the law, by means of: specific browser configurations, computer programs or devices, which allow clear usability and are easy to use. The owner reminds the user that you can change your cookie preferences at any time. You can also disable cookies at any time from the browser, but this may prevent you from using certain parts of the site.


EVO - Inovativen sistem za razvoj
Spoznaj najbolj inovativni sistem poučevanja v svetu potapljanja.
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Instructor Crossover Program
Ustvarili smo najboljši možen program, da lahko realizirate vašo željo in preidete na PSS.
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WED Projekt
Za podporo in zaščito morskega sistema.
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MyPSS - uradna aplikacija PSS.